2. Canyoning Discovery "Boite aux Lettres" - Angon La Clusaz
2.3 heures

2. Canyoning Discovery "Boite aux Lettres" - Angon La Clusaz

Lets try our "Boite aux Lettres" Canyonig, to discover the canyoning in a safety way ! The "Boite aux Lettres" (Mail Box) is a roc who had fall in the canyon, and you have to pass under this roc, like a letter in the post office ! Start the activity with a walk of 20 minutes in the forest to go on the top of the canyon ! Then, follow the instructions of your guide and let's go for 1 to 2 hours in the canyon (depending on the general level of the group) ! During your descent : "Boite aux Lettres", 2 jumps (3 and 5 meters), many slides and 3 absells (6, 8 and 18 meters). It's possible to do slides instead of jumps, but there is no way to escape at the absells. Pratice place : Angon's Waterfall Pratice time : 1h30 to 2h depending on the level of the group. Total time : half a day (included : time to change, walk to go up and down). <param name="movie"

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